Lisa Tataryn

Lisa Tataryn

Lisa is a clinical neuroscientist for Parkinson’s and her work was inspired by her mother’s struggle with a movement disorder. Working closely with people with Parkinson’s has helped her understand how to help and she has been recognized with the...
Sandra Miller

Sandra Miller

Sandy is a lifelong learner who enjoys sharing her knowledge and experiences with others. She is the care partner for her husband who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2006. As Parkinson’s symptoms increased, they began attending support groups and enjoyed meeting...
Art Braun

Art Braun

My wife Sheri and I moved from Nebraska to Carlsbad, CA in 1999. We were semi-retired after I left the corporate world and we sold the fine dine restaurant that we owned and Sheri managed for 16 years. After a year we both accepted jobs with our church. I became the...
Elaine Browning

Elaine Browning

After my retirement, my husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s, with Lewy Body dementia eventually added to the DX. Prior to that we were overseers of his mother’s Parkinsons caretaking. In the 8 years of being his caretaker, I learned much about my role...