by Jeff Seckendorf | May 4, 2022
I always want to help people find the positive side of Parkinson’s – the people they will meet and interact with. Diagnosed with PD in 2017 I’ve learned that fighting PD is most important and not a death sentence. Contact Sarah: Name(Required) First Last...
by Jeff Seckendorf | Feb 21, 2022
I have been a primary Care Partner for my loved one for the past 15 years, We have experienced and learned much on this Parkinson’s journey. I compare the journey to a river. Early symptoms progress slowly and life is smooth for the most part. As the journey...
by Jeff Seckendorf | Feb 21, 2022
Edna Culp from San Diego, CA is an Advance Practice Nurse/Clinical Nurse Specialist with focus in adult Gerontology, currently affiliated with University of California San Diego Health. Edna was married to Mark who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2000 when...
by Jeff Seckendorf | Feb 21, 2022
The tremors started seemingly out of the blue, the diagnosis was made, but it wasn’t for another couple years that I realized life could go on with joy, purpose and meaning in spite of and because of PD. With the loving support of my husband, friends and members of...
by Jeff Seckendorf | Feb 21, 2022
Sam is President of the North County Parkinson’s Support Group. He has been on that board for 9 years and serves as the leader of the La Costa support group. He was his wife’s care partner for their 22 year journey with Parkinson’s before she passed...