Parkinson’s Association Mentor Program

Are you trying to find your way as a newly diagnosed person with Parkinson’s?

Are you struggling with Parkinson’s and need someone to talk to?

Are you a care partner who needs someone to talk to? Someone who has “been there/done that?”

Then the PASD Mentor Program is the perfect place for you.

Find a mentor, set up a call, and get guidance from someone who has walked in your shoes.

“I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening. I never learned anything while I was talking.”

Larry King

What the Mentees are Saying

This program offers support and resources, in my case, for the recently diagnosed. Irene is compassionate and experienced. She has given me a sense of normalcy; I’m still me in spite of Parkinson’s.                           Anne Lee

Click Below to Search for a Local Mentor in:

What the Mentees are Saying

I highly recommend Colonel Bob Foltyn. He is warm and receptive, sensitive and caring. He made me feel welcome immediately. He’s lived through 21 years of PD and therefore has a wealth of wisdom to share and yet does not overwhelm with information. He answers questions as they arise and makes it clear that I can call 24/7.                    Richard Moore

How It Works

Step one is to identify a mentor. Use the search filters to choose mentors who work with people with Parkinson’s or who work with care partners. Click on the mentor’s photo to read their bio. Everyone brings something a little different to the table, so take your time choosing. All mentors have completed the PASD Mentor Training Program.

Use the contact form under the mentor’s bio to send the mentor a note. You will hear back by email or phone and you can set up a time to talk.

There are some simple guidelines:

  • The mentors are great listeners.
  • Mentors can listen to you about your experiences and talk about how they relate to their own experiences.
  • Mentors can guide you to resources that are appropriate for your specific situation.
  • Mentors cannot and will not provide medical advice. Medical issues will be referred to your clinician.
  • You and your mentor will decide how and when you communicate and how long your conversations are.
  • Everything will be held in the strictest of confidence.
  • You agree to the Mentee Terms and Conditions.

More Testimonials

I believe the Mentor Program will benefit many people. It’s good to have a knowledgeable, well-trained person to discuss the varied PD symptoms which can at times be overwhelming. Thank you for listening as well as sending information to me. I am very happy that you are my mentor.

PASD Mentee

Larry is amazing!

Trace Hill

Having a mentor like Bob has been an encouragement to me. His has already walked me through some rough waters. He has the gift of listening. And he has shared his own journey of 21 years dealing with PD while stresssing that everyone is unique. I feel that Bob has provided a safe haven for me. We can laugh together, pray together and at some point I’m sure we will cry together. He has bonded with me and I with him.

Richard Moore

Education, education, education can help you adapt.

Dave and Cindy Brunz

The Mentor Program is generously supported by: