Mike Costa
I am 64 year old, married, male. Diagnosed with PD in 2015, DBS in May 2022, please see my experiences below. I retired earlier this year. I would like to help others live their best lives with PD. https://www.linkedin.com/in/cmichaelcosta/ Contact Mike:...
Tamara Barry
I am 66 years old and have had Parkinson’s Disease for over 20 years although I was formally diagnosed in 2018. I have always been very active. Knowing now that exercise has been shown to slow the progression of Parkinson’s, I exercise almost daily. I...
Rick Conklin
I have been diagnosed for about 5 years. I exercise a lot! I spend about 20 hours a week at the YMCA. Most all the staff at the Englewood Y know that I have Parkinson. I recently passed my Group Fitness Instructor certificate course, the Y has hired me as a part time...
Jennifer Traver
Monroe, MI