Bonnie Wagner

Position: Mentor for Care Partners
Categories: For Care Partners
Location: Northern Nevada

My name is Bonnie Wagner and I am 71 years old.  I retired from my corporate job as a HR Director at age 64, one year after my husband, Rusty was diagnosed with PD.
When not involved with this insidious disease, I enjoy studying the Bible, hiking, gardening, walking, traveling, entertaining, learning Spanish, and caring for our 9-month-old grandson, Luca.  As you can see, there is not much room for PD.

Slowly, over the years, my role as caregiver increased greatly, until about two years ago when we brought caregivers into our home.  It was a game changer.

Rusty’s needs take precedence.  His major challenges are falling, fainting, shortness of breath, and cognition.  He needs constant watching.  However, thanks to caregivers, I try hard to protect my time for walking, going to the gym, morning devotionals, and some of the items listed above.

I consider myself to be tenacious when it comes to advocating for Rusty.  That means we’ve changed physicians more than once.  We’ve traveled to AZ and CA to meet specialists and flown to the east coast for specialized procedures.  I obtained an assistive walking device when Medicare denied us.  I search out and use non-profits to pay for Rusty’s expensive meds.  I push for physical therapy in the home. I’ve advocated for those more expensive meds.  All this is not to brag about my actions; rather it is to let others know that our PD experience involves work.  Even when Rusty is not able or willing to seek out positive actions for himself, I need to do it rather than give in to the disease.

Other times, I’ve reached the end of my rope.  I’ve given up chasing him every time he walks away from his walker, or arguing about drinking more liquid, or when he insists in walking down stairs instead of a ramp.

More than all of this, I depend upon my faith to get through each day.  My God is good and guides me and the man I love.

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